School Data Rooms – Should Your School Use One?

In the data rooms that are only for staff of schools, it’s an accepted practice to display the student’s assessment results in a chart. They display proficiency levels (below basic or advanced, basic, or proficient) for a specific area, such as math or reading. The goal is to help teachers focus on the students who are behind grade level and need intensive interventions.

Despite the current concerns about privacy of students, showing student data in a transparent manner can be detrimental. If the display contains students’ names, this could lead to shame or embarrassment for students who are struggling. It is essential to consider how your school uses these displays, and think about safer alternatives.

Online platforms that can store learning data securely are a great alternative to the traditional school wall of data. These platforms can pull information from LMS assignments assessment, summative and formative assessments as well as demographic data. They can even integrate with your SIS for reporting. Teachers can access these data sets at any point in a safe and secure dashboard. Teachers can target particular groups of students or cohorts with a variety filters. They can also monitor real-time progress towards goals and get into the details of specific students and individual learning trends.

To make a data room meaningful it is essential to hold regular meetings to discuss the data. This helps teachers concentrate their attention and come away with concrete steps to help students make progress. If a team observes for instance that many students struggle with math, they may decide to develop a specific intervention and monitor the progress of students until they are proficient.

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