Activity Type:


Create a dictation with instant feedback

A free HTML5-based content type that allows you to create dictation exercises. Let your students train their listening comprehension and spelling skills.


You can add audio samples containing a sentence for dictation and enter the correct transcription. Your students can listen to the samples and enter what they have heard into a text field. Their answers will be evaluated automatically.

Several options will allow you to control the exercise’s difficulty. You can optionally add a second audio sample for a sentence that could hold a version spoken slowly. You can also set a limit for how often a sample can be played, define if punctuation should be relevant for scoring, and decide whether small mistakes like typing errors should be counted as no mistake, a full mistake, or just a half mistake.



A study in scarlet

The H5P content on this page is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International unless another Creative Commons license is specified under rights of use. The author of the content is H5P Group

Activity Type Details

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