How to Have a Great Board Meeting

There is no doubt that running a board meeting can be a lengthy tedious task. Meetings can be a waste of time and productivity if they lack focus discipline or enthusiasm. If you want to have the best board meeting, there are some easy things you can do to ensure that your directors are involved and participating actively.

Examine Your Meetings at Least Every Year

One of the best methods to improve the quality of your meetings is by collecting feedback. After a few of your meetings invite your board members to take two sticky notes and write “+” on the parts that were positive and “-” on areas that could be improved. Then, they should stick the notes on a poster that they can hang at the entrance for everyone to see what needs to be modified.

Manage Your Time

Keep your meetings as short as you can in order to ensure you have enough time for genuine discussions and decision-making. Avoid putting lengthy reports or “have to” items on your agenda. Instead of delving into the detail that you have already published in your board’s book Consider breaking it down into smaller discussion topics or having your directors do their own research and then attend the meeting with questions ready to be discussed.

Board meetings can also be a way to boost the team’s enthusiasm and motivate them to take the group to take action. Add “mission moments” into the meeting, where your board members will listen to stories and testimonials about the impact that your organization has on the lives of its members. This is a great motivational booster for your group.

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