How to Manage Productive Online Board Meetings

Online board meetings are becoming more common as companies move into a virtual office environment. This new way to conduct business requires a little more discipline than traditional meetings, but can be equally productive when managed properly. It’s essential to set clear expectations for all participants right from the beginning and to encourage them to adhere to the rules of the meeting.

Keep the discussion focused on the most important items on the agenda. By keeping the agenda short and segmented into 15-minute intervals will reduce fatigue and allow you to efficiently move through each item on the agenda. Include breaks directly on the agenda. This can stimulate discussions and increase participation.

Brainstorming sessions are a great way productive online board meetings to promote creativity during meetings and often result in some great ideas. But, it’s crucial to ensure that all team members feel comfortable speaking up during these types of discussions. It’s crucial to hear the team members who are quiet or shy.

After the meeting, remind all attendees of any important follow-up activities, such as complete the survey for the board or providing additional information or other information during the meeting. They can be managed easily with a robust board management software that allows for seamless distribution of documents to all participants.

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