5 Best Practices for Effective Board Meetings

Board meetings should be engaging and productive with the focus on strategic direction and organizational goals. By following these best practices boards can improve participation and effectiveness while enhancing efficiency of decision-making, governance, and leadership.

Ensure Quorum Attendance

A high-level review of the agenda and a brief summary of the highlights from previous meetings, whether in person or via telephone can help to set a positive mood for the remainder of the board meeting. This will also ensure that a quorum of members is present for business.

Provide an In-Depth Discussion of the most important items

Providing time for in-depth discussions is a vital aspect of a successful board meeting. However, lengthy agendas can drown out participants with routine reports and “have to” items that hinder discussions on strategic and high-level issues.

Encourage participation by creating an environment that is safe and respectful

A culture that encourages participation and respects a variety of views is essential to engage in discussions. This can be accomplished through encouraging all board members to speak up and avoid personal attacks and promoting open dialog. It can also be achieved by using board evaluations and facilitation methods that encourage constructive and informed discussions.

Clearly define the process for decision-making in order to prevent confusion, disagreements and confusion. Make clear whether decisions will be made by consensus, a majority vote, or some other method, and document the results accurately into the minutes of your board. Similarly, be transparent about his post about board meeting voting protocol about how you will handle follow-up and accountability issues.

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